
Impact of C/N/P dietary nutrient on manure characteristics: Pollutant fractions and microbial community
Hongyong Fan, Olusegun K. Abass, Chaoxiang Liu, Chenghao Li, Yingjie Sun, Huawei Wang, Wushan Chen
Waste Management, 194, 15, 401-413, 2025

Evaluation of pollution potential in swine manure across growth stages: Impact of dietary nutrients and management strategies
Hongyong Fan, Chenghao Li, Wenxuan Zhang, Chaoxiang Liu, Olusegun K. Abass, Lin Liu, Xu Huang, Yingjie Sun, Huawei Wang, Maureen W. Gesiye, Wushan Chen
Science of The Total Environment, 958,177942, 2025

Evaluation of potential adsorbents for simultaneous adsorption of phosphate and ammonium at low concentrations
Uzma Shaheen, Zhi-Long Ye, Olusegun K. Abass
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 379, 113301, 2024

Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data using Fourier Transform for Geothermal Energy Potential Assessment-Case Study of Niger Delta, Southern Nigeria
OD Olasehinde, DA Olasehinde, OK Abass, OO Asani, JO Ibiwoye
2024 International Conference on Science, Engineering

Stimulants and donors promote megaplasmid pND6-2 horizontal gene transfer in activated sludge
S Wang, S Li, D Du, OK Abass, MS Nasir, W Yan
Journal of Environmental Sciences 126, 742-753 2023

Recent advances on graphyne and its family members as membrane materials for water purification and desalination
KH Lasisi, OK Abass, K Zhang, TF Ajibade, FO Ajibade, JO Ojediran, ...
Frontiers in Chemistry 11, 9 2023

Nanopore sequencing analysis of integron gene cassettes in sewages and soils
XL An, OK Abass, CX Zhao, MR Xu, T Pan, Q Pu, H Liao, H Li, YG Zhu
Science of The Total Environment 817, 152766 2022

The role of freshwater sludge and its carbonaceous derivatives in the removal of lead, phosphorus and antibiotic enrofloxacin: Sorption characteristics and performance
Y Zhang, OK Abass, J Qin, Y Yi
Chemosphere 290, 133298 2022

The impacts of COVID-19 on environmental sustainability: A brief study in world context
L Abubakar, AJ Salemcity, OK Abass, AM Olajuyin
Bioresource Technology Reports 15, 100713 2021

Concomitant management of solid and liquid swine manure via controlled co-composting: towards nutrients enrichment and wastewater recycling
H Fan, J Liao, OK Abass, L Liu, X Huang, J Li, S Tian, X Liu, K Xu, C Liu
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 168, 105308 2021

Nano-Fe mediated treatment of real hydraulic fracturing flowback and its practical implication on membrane fouling in tandem anaerobic-oxic membrane bioreactor
OK Abass, K Zhang
Journal of Hazardous Materials 395 (122666) 2020

Effects of bulking material types on water consumption and pollutant degradation in composting process with controlled addition of different liquid manures
H Fan, J Liao, OK Abass, L Liu, X Huang, L Wei, W Xie, H Yu, C Liu
Bioresource technology 288, 121517 2019 2019

Effects of compost characteristics on nutrient retention and simultaneous pollutant immobilization and degradation during co-composting process
H Fan, J Liao, OK Abass, L Liu, X Huang, L Wei, J Li, W Xie, C Liu
Bioresource technology 275, 61-69 2019

Integrated interrogation of causes of membrane fouling in a pilot-scale anoxic-oxic membrane bioreactor treating oil refinery wastewater
OK Abass, F Fang, M Zhuo, K Zhang
Science of the total environment 642, 77-89 2018

Effects of Fe-S-As coupled redox processes on arsenic mobilization in shallow aquifers of Datong Basin, northern China
J Zhang, T Ma, Y Yan, X Xie, OK Abass, C Liu, Z Zhao, Z Wang
Environmental Pollution 237, 28-38 2018

New insights into the treatment of real N,N-dimethylacetamide contaminated wastewater using a membrane bioreactor and its membrane fouling implications
M Zhuo, OK Abass, K Zhang
Bioresource technology 288, 121517 2019

Application of siderite tailings in water-supply well for As removal: Experiments and field tests
Z Wang, T Ma, Y Zhu, OK Abass, L Liu, C Su, H Shan
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 128, 85-93 2018

Concomitant degradation of complex organics and metals recovery from fracking wastewater: Roles of nano zerovalent iron initiated oxidation and adsorption
OK Abass, F Fang, M Zhuo, K Zhang
Chemical Engineering Journal 328, 159-171 2017

Arsenic behavior in different biogeochemical zonations approximately along the groundwater flow path in Datong Basin, northern China
J Zhang, T Ma, Y Yan, X Xie, OK Abass, C Liu, Z Zhao, Z Wang
Science of the Total Environment 584, 458-468 2017

Triclosan: a review on systematic risk assessment and control from the perspective of substance flow analysis
M Zhuo, OK Abass, K Zhang
Science of the Total Environment 566, 771-785 2016

A novel MD-ZVI integrated approach for high arsenic groundwater decontamination and effluent immobilization
H Fan, J Liao, OK Abass, L Liu, X Huang, L Wei, J Li, W Xie, C Liu
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 102, 190-203 2016

Distribution characteristics, concentrations, and sources of cd and Pb in Laoxiawan Channel sediments from Zhuzhou, China
OK Abass, F Fang, M Zhuo, K Zhang
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 96, 797-803 2016

Membrane bioreactor in China: a critical review
J Zhang, T Ma, Y Yan, X Xie, OK Abass, C Liu, Z Zhao, Z Wang
Int. J. of Membrane Science and Technology 2 (2), 29-47 2015

Magnetic nanoscale Fe–Mn binary oxides loaded zeolite for arsenic removal from synthetic groundwater
M Zhuo, OK Abass, K Zhang
Colloids and surfaces A: Physicochemical and engineering aspects 457, 220-227 2014

Book Chapter

Essential role of graphene and graphene-based reverse osmosis membrane in water desalination and purification
KH Lasisi, FO Ajibade, MO Odebiyi, TF Ajibade, OK Abass, A Yusuf, ...
Elsevie 2023